Sunday, May 23, 2010

13 year old breaks Everest record

On Saturday, May 21, 2010, an American boy broke the record for the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. Jordan Romero is 13-years-old from Big Bear, California. The trip up the mountain was tracked by a GPS as her climbed up the 29,028 feet (8,847 meters) above sea level. Before Jordan broke the record, the youngest person was a 16-year-old boy named Temba Tsheri of Nepal. Jordan started his journey up the mountain on the Chinese side because Nepal denied him permission on age grounds. Jordan wants to continue climbing and become a motivational speaker to get obese kids outside and exercising. Jordan has now climbed 6 out of 7 of the Seven Summits. The final summit he has to climb is in Antarctica and he plans to climb Vinson Massif in December.

I'm glad that he broke the record for the youngest person to climb Mount Everest. I believe that if Jordan keeps up with climbing and becomes a motivational speaker, that he can help American children get healthy. I believe that if kids hear the importance of exercise from other kids and not just adults, they'll be more willing to exercise. I also believe that he can get the message through to kids not to give up and just to go for your dreams. I believe that Jordan will be a very motivational kid and will always stay active. I believe that if other kids what he has accomplished, they will feel that they can accomplish what they set their minds to. I could see Jordan becoming a motivational speaker for his career when he's older. I also believe that Jordan will break more records. I believe that he can become the youngest person to climb the most mountains or the Seven Summits. I believe that Jordan is sending a great message to people by his actions about the importance of being outdoors and getting exercise.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Torpedo fired at South Korea from North Korea?

In March a South Korean Ship was hit by a torpedo. The blast killed the 46 sailors that were onboard the ship. South Korea blamed North Korea for the ordeal. But then North Korea denied it and said that South Korea is now tampering with the evidence of the ship. The 1,200 ton corvette sank after a mysterious explosion tore it into half near disputed waters off North Korea on March 26. "The evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that the torpedo was fired by a North Korean submarine," said Dr Yoon Duk-yong, co-chair of a military group formed to investigate the incident. Some submarines set off from North Korea naval base three days before the attack. People believe that one of the "salmon" colored submarine (equipped with nightvision) was the one who attacked the South Korean Ship. The White House backed the report, saying it "points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that North Korea was responsible for the attack."

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gulf spill size issue: How much and does it matter?

As the massive oil spill continues on in the Gulf of Mexico, people are wondering just how much the size of the spill affects how great of damage there is in the end. I personally think that the greater the spill, the greater the damage because as it keeps spewing out it spreads farther and farther which makes it a greater area to clean up. Before the video from BP was released, people thought that 5000 barrels a day were spilling out but now experts think that it could be 2 million gallons each day or even more. The government says that it has the right equipment to deal with the size of the spill and even a greater one. I don't think it really matters if we have the equipment to clean it up because its going to cause horrendous damage no matter what and already has so basically it doesn't even matter any more. BP has a major problem right now with this spill and they should be completely responsible for its clean up and costs. I don't even see the need of the governments help because this was BP's fault and only their fault. I find it absolutely ridiculous that nothing can be done quicker to slow or stop this spill. Its been weeks now and still its gushing out like crazy. Something needs to be done very soon and we as citizens better not be affected by this because we had no impact on it at all.

Whale freed from fishing net has died

On Monday, May 10th a whale was spotted in a shallow harbor at Dana Point near Los Angeles, California. Two days later a disentanglement team from Sea World caught the whale and removed commercial fishing nets and ropes from the whale. The whale appeared to head back out to sea but apparently died later.

The report says that this is the 10th gray whale to die just this season and I find that awful. I think that something needs to be done to slow down the rate of whales that are dying, especially if it is being caused to due fishing nets or human activity and such. That is just completely awful that humans are causing great and huge animals like that to be dying. I know that the fishermen can't do too much with their nets because they can't control where the fish are but I still think something needs to change so that more whales are not being harmed and killed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Day of Prayer

A federal judge declared the National day of Prayer law unconstitutional last month, but the Justice Department is appealing the case on behalf of the White House. People feel it violates the ban on gov. and religion. "The lawsuit against the Obama administration was brought by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a group based in Madison, Wisconsin."I call upon the citizens of our nation to pray, or otherwise give thanks, in accordance with their own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I invite all people of faith to join me in asking for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection as we meet the challenges before us," Obama said in his official proclamation."

This is sad that someone would try to go to this much trouble to take away a law like this that doesnt even hurt anyone its a prayer day for all religions not just the christians. Therefor it shouldnt matter and the people who care and are bothered by this should just suck it up and deal with it since it is only one day of the year and not a big problem.