Monday, March 15, 2010

Soldier gets Silver Star, reprimand for same battle

In July 2008 there was an attack on a combat outpost in Afghanistan and Army Capt. Matthew Myer was at this outpost. When the attack began Myer called for an air strike to come and help out. About 200 Taliban fighters were coming at the outpost and Myer's very important call to help resulted in him getting a Silver Star. By the time the little battle was over, 9 soldiers were killed and 12 others were injured. After the attack, the U.S. military was angry that the Taliban even got close to the base. They gave Myer and two of his superiors letters of reprimand for allowing the Taliban to attack so easily.

This situation seems extremely unfair in my opinion. The soldiers are already over there fighting for us and when one thing goes wrong, they get hardcore punished for it. There is no way that the attack was at all their fault and even if they could have stopped them, I'm sure there still would have been casualties. They should not be singled out at all in this situation for the punishments. I believe that there really should be no punishment at all but if the army believes there needs to be one then they should figure it out fairly. I mean they are fighting a war so there is going to be casualties so I don't think that punishments need to be handed out every time something bad happens or a soldier dies. The whole situation just seems completely unfair and not right.

Check out the entire article at:

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